
What is Contoa?

Contoa is an official, licensed, modernly designed and easy-to-use application from ProgrammerLP, so you never lose track of your finances.

Download v1.1.3

Windows 7 or higher

Why Contoa?

Beautiful Design

Contoa offers you a wonderful, modern and a simple design, with it comes a simple but a very good darkmode, many shortcuts to navigate to certain features, a responsive UI and much more, which simplifies the usage.

View your Statistics

Contoa statistics provides you with a lot of useful information about your finances, e.g. how much you spend on what, how much you earn from what, average income and expenses, total income and expenses and more.

Altenative Listview

Contoa also offers you, besides the beautiful design, the possibility to switch between two display modes, so you can choose the card view or the list view.


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