
What is Fuelinfo?

Fuelinfo is an official, licensed, modernly designed and easy-to-use application from ProgrammerLP to help you keep track of and manage your fuel expenses.

Download v2.0.5

Windows 7 or higher

Why Fuelinfo?

Beautiful Design

Fuelinfo offers you a wonderful, modern and a simple design, with it comes a simple but a very good darkmode, shortcuts to navigate to certain features, a responsive UI and much more, which simplifies the usage.

Powerful Dashboard

The dashboard of Fuelinfo V2 provides you with a lot of useful information about your fuel consumption. You can view information about each car individually but also in general, e.g. how much you spend on fuel, how much you paid per liter, average spending on fuel and not to forget the price/L prediction.

Data Management

Fuelinfo offers you the possibility to have even more control over your data. You can make backups automatically and in case of data loss import the data or export it as PDF.


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