Notivity v0.8.0 Beta 4 Update

Hello dear Notivity users,

We are pleased to introduce you to the v0.8.0 update of Notivity, which contains many exciting new features and improvements. Notivity is an app that allows you to create, edit and share notes in various formats. Notivity has been in development for a year and we thank you for your feedback and support.

The v0.8.0 update brings some highlights, which we would like to present to you in detail here:


You can now choose from several themes to customize the look of Notivity to your taste. There are both light and dark themes, which you can change in the general settings.


The action bar at the top of the app has been redesigned and now offers more functions and clarity. You can now close the action bar and change the color of text fields.

Voice notes

One of the most exciting new features is the ability to record voice notes and add them to your notes. You can simply tap on the microphone icon in the action bar and record your voice. The voice note will be saved as an audio file in your note and you can play it back or delete it at any time.

Pen properties

If you want to create drawings in your notes, you now have more options to customize your pen. You can change the thickness, color and opacity of the pen. You can also increase the quality of the drawing or ignore the pressure of the pen if you are using a stylus.

Configuration for every page

When you create a note in Draw format, you can now make individual settings for each page, such as the background and color. This gives you more flexibility and creativity when drawing.

Colored Headings

If you create a note in Markdown format, you can now add different colors to your headings to structure or emphasize them.

In addition to these highlights, we have also fixed many bugs and made minor improvements, which you can read about in the changelog:


We hope you enjoy the v0.8.0 update of Notivity and that you have a lot of fun and use with the app. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions, which you can send us via the app or our website. Thank you for your loyalty and see you in the next update!