Notivity v0.9.0 Beta 5 Update

Notivity presents major update: Version v090

We are pleased to announce the latest update to Notivity, version v090! This version is a milestone in the development of our note-taking and organization app and brings with it a wealth of new features, improvements and bug fixes that will take your productivity and user experience to a new level.

One of the standout features of this update is the introduction of Calendar. This new calendar allows you to not only schedule events, but also view unfinished tasks and link events directly to your notes. This seamless integration of calendar and notes brings a whole new level of organization and efficiency.

Another highlight is the brand new Dashboard. The Dashboard gives you a comprehensive overview of upcoming events and overdue tasks. Direct links let you quickly and easily access relevant notes. The Dashboard is your one-stop-shop for effectively planning and organizing your day.

We have also added new update channels to ensure that you are always informed about the latest developments and updates. Your experience with Notivity is now even more dynamic and future-oriented.

In the Draw feature, we have made numerous improvements to support your creative work. These include improved control over media files, automatic canvas adjustment, undo/redo functionality, and the ability to copy/paste elements. These new features give you more flexibility and control over your artistic projects.

In addition, we have added a new setting that allows you to customize the path to save user data. This feature allows you to save your data exactly where you want it, giving you more control over your privacy and security.

Of course, we’ve also made numerous changes and bug fixes to make your experience with Notivity even smoother and more enjoyable. From updated window captions to fixes for crashes and pen properties, we’ve worked hard to make sure that Notivity meets your expectations in every way.

The latest update for Notivity, version v090, is now available for download. We invite you to try out these exciting new features and take your productivity to the next level.

Visit our website to learn more about the new features or follow us on our social media to stay up to date with all updates and developments.

Thank you for using Notivity and for your continued feedback and support. We look forward to continuing to help you achieve your goals and turn your ideas into reality!