PC Info 1.3.0 Update

PC Info is a useful program that shows you various information about your system. It has been recently updated to version 1.3.0, which includes some new features and improvements. In this article we will present you the most important changes.

New Arrangement of PC Data

The first new feature is the new arrangement of PC data. Instead of displaying all the information on one page, it is now divided into different categories that you can select from a navigation bar. This way you can find the data you need faster and easier.

Expansion of PC Data

The second new feature is the expansion of PC data readout. PC Info now shows you more details about your hardware, such as the motherboard, BIOS, CPU cache, different manufacturers and more. This information can help you learn more about your system.

Revised Design of “Ready Devices”

The third new feature is the revised design of “Ready Devices”. These are drives that are connected to your PC and are ready to be used, such as hard drives, USB sticks or CD-Roms. The new design shows you more information about these devices and makes them easier to recognize.

Additional Enhancements

Besides these new features, the update also includes some bug fixes and changes. For example, the progress bar now also shows the percentage indicating how much of your system has been analyzed. Also, PC Info has been translated into English to reach more users. Finally, the code has been refactored and the user interface and technical performance have been improved.


We hope you like the new update of PC-Info and find it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much for your support!