Dear users,

We would like to inform you that the license agreement for the use of our application has been updated. By continuing to use the application, you automatically agree to the new terms. The license is valid as long as you have the application installed on your PC. If you uninstall or delete the application, the license automatically ends.

Please note that the license will also terminate automatically if you violate any of the terms and conditions. Upon termination, you must uninstall the application and destroy all copies.

This license does not grant you any rights to the developer’s intellectual property. All rights to the Application and its contents, including copyright and trademark rights, are retained by the Developer.

You agree to use the Application only in accordance with applicable laws and ethical standards. You are solely responsible for your actions in using the Application and may not use it for any illegal, fraudulent or harmful activity.

Unauthorized copying, decompiling, editing, lending, reselling, distributing, or transferring of the Application or any associated trademark is strictly prohibited. Use of the Application is licensed for personal use only and may not be used commercially in any way.

For public performance, the copyright holder, in this case © - Adeptstack, must be mentioned and a link to the official download page must be provided.

The developer reserves the right to update or modify this license agreement and the application itself at its sole discretion. Users will be notified of updates and changes and will be deemed to have accepted them by continuing to use the application.

Your Adeptstack Team